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Wood Burning Stoves
Wood Burns at its best on a shallow bed of ash in a wood only stove, leave the ash in the bottom of the fire box.

Wood needs an ample air supply from above. When lighting the fire open both top and bottom air vents. This will help the fire start. When the fire is burning nicely, close down the bottom air and then use the top air vent to control the stove. This will also help keep the glass clean (Air Wash).
If you cannot achieve a satisfactory fire please contact us for further advice. 
Hardwood is best in your stove as it burns slower. The density of softwood is around half that of hardwood which results in it burning twice as fast.
Meaning you will need twice as much !

Apple – Burns slowly with a small flame and pleasant scent.
Ash – Considered the best for stoves/wood burners. Steady flame, High heat.
Beech – Burns similar to Ash.
Birch – Produces a strong heat output. Burns quite quickly.
Hawthorn – Traditional Firewood. Slow burning. Good heat output.
Oak – High density firewood. Small flame. High heat.
Thorn – A steady flame. Strong het output. Low smoke.
Horse Chestnut – Best in stoves/wood burners. Can spit. Burns hot.

Multifuel Stoves
If you have a multifuel stove this will allow the use of solid fuel and wood. A multifuel stove will have a grate with either rigid or bars with a shaker (riddling) system. The gaps in the grate allow air from below through to the fire. Make sure the grate is kept clean and the ash pan is emptied regularly, this will keep the air flowing and stop the grate from becoming too hot and distorting. It is not recommended to burn wood and solid fuel at the same time. Burning solid fuel produces sulphur and wood can contain a high amount of moisture. The two together can make sulphuric acid which can quickly cause damage to chimney linings. Also wood burns best with top air supply and solid fuel with bottom air supply. If you are not happy how your stove is performing, please contact us.​Carbon Monoxide is a silent Killer! Annually in the UK 200 people are killed or become seriously ill due to Carbon Monoxide Poisoning. The symptoms of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning are similar too and often confused with the flu. The symptoms include Headaches, Stomach Pains, Drowsiness, Nausea, Dizziness and General Lethargy.A Carbon Monoxide Alarm must be installed.​For more advice on what to burn and more importantly using your fire correctly visit the '' website to help save you money, reduce the risk of fires and help reduce air pollution.​​

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